"My life has been so much better since i started exercising. I want to inspire beginners to exercise at home through our free videos and health guidance"
I am a teenager living in the UK and firstly I know how bad the weather is here; secondly how bad our diets are and lastly how many hours we spend in our rooms,playing games or being on our phones.
This project has now become a Father and son run website and has cost a lot to get this far, but it is worth it to inspire you into your first steps to exercise.
If you have been inspired by my website you can support us by promoting our site or donate via Gofundme or purchase my merch.
As teenagers , we are not body builders, we just want to exercise and eat the right way. As a result of all the hours I have put into research I eventually created this website because I wanted to give you all the details you need to know in one place and in easy bite size details.
I made the decision that I wanted to feel healthier and so I started exercising by myself. Afterwards,the more I did, the better I felt.
I spent a crazy a mount of time learning how to exercise correctly and how to eat right.